…Another Same Old Blog, Start of A New Journey, Blah-Blah-Blah.

You are young. You are filled with energy and want to achieve something. You want to change the world.

Well you ain’t gonna get any help from me.

This is another one of your average run-of-the-mill blogs. So what makes it different?


I’m just gonna come here once a while, rant about something utterly nonsense, and you’re still gonna read it. Why? Because you’re bored, you’re procrastinating and still looking for that magical piece of writing that is gonna make you get off your ass and do something already. Well, first things first, any motivation you get from here (which I highly doubt) or any other place like The Most Popular Ted Talks of All Time or Top Motivational Quotes doesn’t last long. Some famous dude once said –

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.

So hey – at least we figured out something. The key is to procrastinate EVERYDAY and look for motivational quotes and blogs by filthy rich people.

Let’s get one thing straight – motivation alone is not the key. The key is to keep pushing through when you are not motivated. Easier said than done.

Looks like we strayed a little off topic. This first article was just a general introduction of what to expect. I’ll be posting articles on random topics regularly. Random topics will not include Hollywood Gossip, Political Scandals, and reviews of Cosmopolitan. I will talk a lot about Motivation, Technology, Game Reviews and other fun stuff. This first article will also be a milestone for me because finally got of my ass and did something I wanted to do for a long time. Peace.

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