The Categorization Catch

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are not as unique as you think. Chances are, you are similar to a certain percentage of the population. A general disclaimer, the following types are a work of my intense research on people, so do not get disheartened if you fall into a certain category which is pretty shit, or even worse, common.

1. The Philosopher

Your favorite movie is Into The Wild. You question your existence every time you take a shit and want to know who made you and what’s your purpose and all that crap. You think you’re above all others who don’t greet each other with ‘Hey man, you find yourself yet?’. You love watching House M.D , and you frequently quote Rick from Rick and Morty.


2. The They-Call-Me-Jordan

You are so good in sports that it won’t even matter if you’re ugly. But you’re as dumb as they come. If it weren’t for your crazy ass dunks, you would still be a virgin. Your gang comprises mostly jocks like you, and one apprentice, who worships you, but you don’t even know the name of.


3. The Hey-Let’s-Go-That-Party

You are the extrovert of your group. You have a lot of friends. You need to go out of your house, at least once a day, for stuff like parties, reunions, going to the beach, movies, or even a walk with someone. You can’t spend one second alone. You need someone to be with you at all times, otherwise you have panic attacks about that homework deadline, which is due tomorrow.


4. The Anti-Social

Your favorite movie is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Your favorite pastime is reading books or watching movies, alone. You have a few friends, but you can trust them with your life. You don’t like to go out much, and have a hard time interacting with new people, maybe because of your low self-esteem. You love dogs. People often say that you’re an introvert, but that’s not true, you just like spending time with people you know well.


5. The Gym-Bro

Your favorite movie is Rocky. You have only one hobby, and that is going to the gym. You are buffed, and flex in every partially reflecting surface that comes your way. You regularly bring new rookies to gym, enlightening them with broscience and hoping to make them as jacked as you. You hate cardio, eat 5 meals a day, and drink protein shakes with every meal. You love talking about yourself and never miss a chance to take your shirt off.

Rarity – 5%

6. The Gamer-Dude

You don’t have a favorite movie. You don’t watch movies. You don’t have friends, at least offline. You live in your parent’s basement and spend 17 hours a day on your PC or gaming console. You are sleep deprived, get poor grades, and people often text you to get a life after you totally wreck them in that game. They are probably right.

Rarity – 4%

7. The Strong-Silent-Type

Your favorite movie is The Godfather, and you slightly resemble Robert de Niro from the second part. Your name is probably Manuel. You’re very hard to read. You don’t talk much, but when some friend asks for your help, you deliver.


8. The Rebel

Your favorite movie is The Breakfast Club. You don’t like to be chained down. You hate the government and always talk about bringing a change with the most radical means. You had somewhat strict parents, but who cares? You also have a tattoo. Your friends look at you with respect, but you care little for a large friend circle, because people can’t be trusted.

Rarity – 9%

9. The Luckiest-Son-Of-A-Bitch-Alive

Okay, so you know everyone says that life is hard, but really, you don’t understand what they’re talking about. Your great-grandfather hit the oil jackpot back in the day, and ever since your family has been filthy rich. Everyone is envious of you, but you don’t have a clue about that. You are a spoiled brat, it’s like you entered life in easy mode WITH cheat-codes. You go to a private college, but just for the degree. The family business is waiting for you, after all.


10. The Tarantino-Head

Probably the rarest category. Your favorite movie is Pulp fiction(?), you love reading books, but not pure fiction. You have a high self-esteem and never look down upon on others. You are well mannered, probably because of your strict but well upbringing.

Rarity – 0.0001%

Bonus : The Average-Joe

You are so common that if I considered you in my research, you would take around 70% percent of the readings. Your favorite movie is probably Titanic or something. You are average in everything in your life- average grades, average popularity, average penis size… You are the middle child of the world, and sometimes even your friends forget to include you in their plans. Some of you will go on and change the world, but by then you’ll have changed and entered a different category.

These are my observations, and many of you won’t strictly fit in a single category, instead you are the combination of 2 types.  That is pretty common.

Until next time. Peace.

…Another Same Old Blog, Start of A New Journey, Blah-Blah-Blah.

You are young. You are filled with energy and want to achieve something. You want to change the world.

Well you ain’t gonna get any help from me.

This is another one of your average run-of-the-mill blogs. So what makes it different?


I’m just gonna come here once a while, rant about something utterly nonsense, and you’re still gonna read it. Why? Because you’re bored, you’re procrastinating and still looking for that magical piece of writing that is gonna make you get off your ass and do something already. Well, first things first, any motivation you get from here (which I highly doubt) or any other place like The Most Popular Ted Talks of All Time or Top Motivational Quotes doesn’t last long. Some famous dude once said –

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.

So hey – at least we figured out something. The key is to procrastinate EVERYDAY and look for motivational quotes and blogs by filthy rich people.

Let’s get one thing straight – motivation alone is not the key. The key is to keep pushing through when you are not motivated. Easier said than done.

Looks like we strayed a little off topic. This first article was just a general introduction of what to expect. I’ll be posting articles on random topics regularly. Random topics will not include Hollywood Gossip, Political Scandals, and reviews of Cosmopolitan. I will talk a lot about Motivation, Technology, Game Reviews and other fun stuff. This first article will also be a milestone for me because finally got of my ass and did something I wanted to do for a long time. Peace.