So You Wanna Change

Let me guess. You’re either-

  1. Fat
  2. Poor
  3. Aimless
  4. Depressed (self-diagnosed of course, that meme you saw was so relatable).
  5. Having the concentration span of a goldfish.

If you’re here, at least 4 of these apply to you (I’m not fat). And you wanna change (no shit). Listen kid, change ain’t that easy. If it were that easy, everyone would “change” and suddenly change won’t be as cool. Let’s look at some of the things that are easy –

  1. Sleeping more than 8 hours a day
  2. Complaining
  3. Procrastinating all day
  4. Getting angry over small things

When was the last time you saw someone who slept less than 6 hours a day regularly and was unsuccessful? Or lay in bed all day making shit-tons of money looking at cat pictures? Like I said (or more like like everybody says) –

Change ain’t easy

Okay so if I were you I would be wondering ‘Yeah Mr. WiseGuy we know that. But still you don’t see us changing, why is that?’

That is because when you finally make an effort to change, you try to change every fucking thing you don’t like. One day suddenly you decide to wake up at 4 A.M, meditate, study for 10 hours straight, get more ripped than Zac Efron in Baywatch, go to Mars… All at once.

See the thing about change is that it’s something everybody wants but nobody likes. The only way you’ll change is if you take baby steps (unless of course your willpower was forged in the volcano of Mordor). Commit to small changes, like regularly making your bed whenever you wake up,  meditating for 5 minutes everyday before you go to bed, doing just 10 push-ups everyday, whatever you like. You commit to one change, you get comfortable, you feel good about yourself, and you change a little again. It keeps piling up and voilà – you are already a much better version of yourself.

This brings us to our next problem – Patience. You can’t just become the next Mr.Hey-Look-At-Me-I’m-Ripped in a day. It takes time, years of hardwork (unless of course you decide to go juice). Don’t get disheartened if you can’t shoot 5 straight 3-pointers after only one week of practice. The most important rule, and I can’t stress it enough, is that

He that can have patience can have what he will

-(another famous dude)

Don’t try to build your Rome in a day, instead make long term plans. Like going to drum lessons everyday for a year before quitting. Or sweating in the gym everyday for atleast a year before you go on blaming your genes for robbing you of all the mad gainz you should have had by now. This is probably the hardest part when trying to change, and that is committing to change. Peace.



One thought on “So You Wanna Change

  1. Hey wise guy!…I had a really amazing time reading all your posts in metro today while commuting to work. My boring 1.5 hours flew really fast today( giggling to some particular lines of ur wisdom). I especially liked ur So You Wanna Change, College cycle and Categorization part 2(which was read out to me by my best friend on phone😋). Looking forward to more good stuff!

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